Claire's Spectacular Socks
Claire's Spectacular Socks is a whimsical tale of Claire, a spirited girl who defies convention and embraced her love for socks. Refusing to hide her beloved footwear, Claire embarks on a colourful adventure to design the most extraordinary socks imaginable.
With a heart full of passion and a brush in hand, she dyes, paints, and bedazzles her socks with vibrant hues, sparkling glitter, and enchanting designs...

Reading age

6-8 years

Print length

32 pages
21.59 x 27.94 cm
About the author
Lola Usupova is a passionate author and gifted illustrator with a profound love for children’s literature. From a young age, Lola displayed a natural talent for drawing and honed her skills through countless hours of practice and dedication. Her artistic abilities led her to a successful career in children’s book illustration, where she worked on various projects and perfected her craft.
However, Lola’s true passion has always been to create her own children’s stories that would inspire and delight young readers worldwide. She firmly believes that children’s books should not only teach valuable lessons but also provide a sense of fun and adventure for their readers. With her upcoming books, Lola aims to ignite the imaginations of children everywhere and inspire them to embark on exciting journeys through her storytelling.
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